Russia has not given up plans to use chemical weapons against Ukrainian defenders and civilians at Azovstal (Mariupol)

 Chemical weapons can be used against people who are on the territory of the Azovstal plant. According to the latest data, in order to avoid casualties among the servicemen of the russian army, the so-called "smoking out" of Ukrainian defenders and civilians from the company's premises may be carried out.

For this, the russian leadership plans to carry out bombarding and missile strikes with artillery and aircraft munitions which are carriers of combat poisons. At the same time, russian units of the "Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces" will use aerosols with chemical weapons. 

It is known that the words of the president of the russian federation in the video of the conversation with the minister of defense published in the media were taken out of context. The phrase "siege the territory of the enterprise so that the fly does not go through" should be taken in context - not to allow anyone alive to get out of the catacombs. In particular, after the use of chemical weapons.

Additional confirmations of the Kremlin's plans to use chemical weapons are: 

- "Proactive measures" - spreading false information about the availability of chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine 

- Selection and inspection of possible places for storage of ammunition (cylinders) with combat poisons.

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