Stories from Ukrainian children

"Some parents get their children on a train and call us to pick them up at the station, — explains Svitlana Gavrilyuk, head of the Lviv orphanage. — Orphanages in the east of the country evacuated these children and sent them here through humanitarian aid. We also have children who come here alone ... ”

Each child has a story. 16-year-old Volodymyr from the eastern city of Luhansk says he saw pieces of a human body after an explosion on the street. Next to him, Katia and Victoria, two 14-year-old friends, explain: 

“We will probably go somewhere else, but we do not know where and when. We were in Lysychansk when the city was bombed, one family took us. We spent two days at home and three weeks in the shelter".

Katia, a 17-year-old orphan from Kyiv, is in the yard. She says: "I arrived by train. The rockets fell right in front of my house”, — showing photos of the destroyed building. 

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